What’s the 4-11?

by Fr. Adrian Cisneros  |  04/02/2023  |  From the Clergy

You may know the number 4-1-1 as what you may have used in the past to call for “information,” but did you know that 4-11 (April 11th) is the feast day of our patron saint-St. Stanislaus of Krakow? While we are entering into Holy Week this week, beginning with Palm Sunday, let us take a day to also celebrate the patron saint of our parish. St. Stanislaus was canonized in 1253 and was the archbishop of Krakow, Poland.

Being from Poland, John Paull II often paid tribute to him during his pontificate as pope and recalled how St. Stanislaus “proclaimed faith in God to our ancestors and started in them…the saving power of the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.” He taught the moral order in the family based on sacramental marriage. He also taught the moral order within the state, reminding all that their actions should keep in mind the unchanging Law of God. Let us be inspired to not be afraid to share the moral order of God with our loved ones, inviting them to truly practice their faith and approach the sacraments, especially reconciliation, holy matrimony and the Eucharist!

We also celebrate Palm Sunday this weekend, and we hear the crowds applauding Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, but very soon many of those people will turn on Jesus and not even admit to ever knowing Him. Some of us have done the same. Let us be called back to professing our faith in Jesus as we prepare to celebrate the great Pascal Feast at Easter! St. Stanislaus, Pray for us!