30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

by Deacon Juan Carlos  |  10/27/2024  |  From the Clergy

Today's Gospel, Sunday XXX of O/T (Mark 10:46-52) tells us the story of the blind Bartimaeus, this blind man who perhaps in the morning someone took him to the place on the road where he used to beg for alms, perhaps he did not get up thinking that that day would change his life, when he learned that Jesus was passing near him he sensed that it was the great opportunity for Jesus to do something for him, and began to shout "Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me!", The blind Bartimaeus recognizes Jesus as the Messiah by faith, he knows that Jesus can help him, and he shouted insistently for help.

The insistence of the blind Bartimaeus calls the attention of Jesus and asks his disciples to take him to him, immediately Bartimaeus goes and meets Jesus who asks him "What do you want me to do for you?" Bartimaeus does not ask for money, food, or clothing. This is what people of that time perhaps gave to those who ask for alms as we do today. The blind Bartimaeus knows that Jesus can do something more for him. He asks him for the most important thing for him: “Master, let me see.” Jesus, who is no stranger to human suffering, restores his sight and tells him: “Go, your faith has saved you.”

Three fundamental elements for the miracle to occur in today's gospel story are: recognizing Jesus, perseverance, and faith. When we experience that God does not do it for us the first time, like the blind Bartimaeus, we must insist and ask with more faith. We must be attentive in our lives and recognize Jesus when he passes by us and shout to him like the blind Bartimaeus: “Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me,” “Jesus, son of David, have mercy on my family,” and tell Jesus about the illness or difficult situation that you or someone you love is going through. Always remember with great faith and insistence.

Also remembering that there is another blindness worse than the physical one, the spiritual blindness that prevents us from seeing the presence and action of God in our lives.