Give Without Fear
by Deacon Oscar Cervantes | 11/10/2024 | From the ClergyBrothers and sisters, we can hear that from the Old Testament God always manifests himself to those who need him, but he also asks us to be charitable.
In the first reading we hear how Elijah asks the widow for something to eat and drink, she knowing that it was the last thing she had, shared it with him and the grace of God manifests itself so that she would never lack something to eat since she with an open heart shared with Elijah the last thing she had.
From the beginning, great sacrifices were made to God. Jesus made the last and greatest sacrifice of all to overcome death and sacrifice his own blood for our sins. In the gospel we hear how Jesus tells us the way we act and asks us to be humble like him so that we can have a better place with him, he asks us not to be hypocritical with our actions since everything we do no one has to know, only the one who is in secret knows and knows the intentions with which we do them.
Let us try to follow the example that asks us not to give what we have left over but rather what we need most in our lives. It does not have to be monetary, we can contribute our time serving God and his people, committing ourselves with a sincere heart and thus we can serve all his people, not just the rich and those who have the means to reward you for what you share with them.
-Deacon Oscar Cervantes