The just live by faith
by Deacon Oscar Cervantes | 10/02/2022 | From the ClergyThe dominant theme this Sunday is faith, as it is mentioned in all three readings. At the end of the first reading it states: "The just live by faith", a phrase that will be used by Paul and will later have an enormous impact on the Christian life. Jesus focuses on the efficacy of faith, even faith as small as a mustard seed. Finally, Paul exhorts Timothy to bear witness to his faith in Christ Jesus.
In this reflection I would like to start with two questions: Do you think it is important to evaluate our faith? How is your faith?
In the first reading we look at something common to us Christians, we always complain about the events around us. We ignore the answers that God gives us in our prayers. Let's see the first reading.
The Lord answered me and told me: "Write the vision that I have manifested to you, put it clearly on tablets so that it can be read straight away. It is still a vision of something far away, but it comes running and will not fail; if it takes time, wait for it.", for it will come without fail. The wicked will succumb without remedy, but the righteous will live by their faith."
He invites us to have patience and faith. He promises that it will come without fail and if we live in faith we will be saved. That is why it is important to review our faith and look at our growth.
Even the Apostles who walked with Jesus ask him to increase their faith since they themselves struggled to look at it. Jesus told them that if their faith was only the size of a mustard seed they could ask that leafy tree to be uprooted and planted in the sea and it would happen.
If our faith is small, any problem, concern or neglect that distorts our peace could lose it, however if we take care of it and live it day by day we could obtain a great promise from the Lord.