23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time - Year B

by Fr. Jeff  |  09/15/2024  |  From the Clergy

In this week’s Gospel of Mark, Jesus speak in his native Aramaic language. He says “Ephphatha!” Meaning, “Be opened,” as he touched the man’s ears and his tongue, to heal his deafness and his speech impediment. In Christ’s healings, he restores the people from their defects and their wounds, a consequence from Original Sin.


St. Stanislaus Catholic School Preschool-8th Grade

by Amanda Miranda  |  09/08/2024  |  From the Clergy

“Oh, I praise that mercy of yours which is beyond praising, and I adore in thanksgiving your most loving kindness from the depths of my nothingness.” – St. Gertrude

This week’s gospel reading is a beautiful reminder that we should never despair of the power of God. There is no soul here on Earth that is too hardened, no task too impossible, to be penetrated by Christ’s love and power. In times of spiritual drought or discouragement, it's essential that we remember that God's love and forgiveness can penetrate even the hardest hearts and revive stagnant souls.


How Great is God

by Deacon Oscar Cervantes  |  09/01/2024  |  From the Clergy

How beautiful is God, because out of pure love He created us in His image and likeness.

We can see how great God is, since in order to give us the clearest direction on how to be pleasing in His eyes and thus be able to reach His side in His glory, from the beginning He left us some commandments that He asks us to keep and fulfill, since it is our wisdom and prudence. This is what the first reading tells us, and in the second He leaves us His living word through the gospels, inviting us to listen to it and put it into practice.


Bishop's Monthly Reflection

by Bishop Myron J. Cotta, D.D.  |  08/25/2024  |  From the Clergy

My Dear People of God,

Did you know that our Diocese of Stockton covers over 10,000 square miles and encompasses six counties stretching from Lodi to the north; Newman to the south; Mammoth Lakes and the Mother Lode to the east and Tracy to the west. Within these boundaries of our diocese, we have 35 parishes and 14 missions. Did you know that our diocese is divided into designated regions called: vicariates or deaneries? Presently, we have eight deaneries. The Deaneries are overseen by eight priests appointed by the bishop to serve as Deans. So, how am I, as a bishop, capable of accomplishing the responsibility to: govern, teach and sanctify over 300,000 Catholics? Did you know that each diocese has a structure, consisting of clergy and laity, that assists the Bishop in his duties as Bishop?


Welcome Father Jovito “Jovy” Roldan!

by Father Jovy Roldan  |  08/18/2024  |  From the Clergy

Greetings in the Lord Jesus Christ! My name is Father Jovy Roldan. I am blessed to be assigned as one of two new Associate Pastors of St. Stanislaus Catholic Church. It is a great privilege to serve you. I would like to start by thanking Father Adrian Cisneros. We have briefly communicated the last few weeks of June, and it’s been great getting to know him. I also look forward to working with Father Jeff Wilson and Father Sergio Arcila, of whom I have heard many good things!


St. Stanislaus Catholic School - Preschool-8th Grade

by Reverend Adrian Cisneros  |  08/11/2024  |  From the Clergy

Welcome to the 2024-25 school year!

Attention everyone! School is back in session, and we're excited to welcome the many new students and their families to the St. Stanislaus community!


St. Jude's Relic

by Rev. Adrian Cisneros  |  08/04/2024  |  From the Clergy

Greetings my good people of St. Stanislaus!

What a hot, busy and exciting summer we are having so far!

Praise be to God we are finally back in the church on Maze Blvd. It took a lot to get here, and we had the help of A LOT of people the last few weeks leading up the the re-opening and a lot of great help re-opening weekend. From food, to table and tent set up, to tour guides to dessert, adoration and singing-what a blessed and beautiful weekend, and I could not have thought of a better 5 year anniversary of my priesthood on July 6th! Thank you to everyone who helped me and our parish.
