Welcome Advent

by Fr. Sergio  |  11/27/2022  |  From the Clergy

Dear friends.

We are at the dawn of a new liturgical year, it is the time of Joyful Hope. Soon we will be gathered to announce the preparatory time for the commemoration of the Nativity of the Lord, enlightened this year with the joy of knowing that we will be accompanied by Saint Matthew, the evangelist of the Kingdom, of life, of hope.

The preparatory time is called Advent, the Prophets announce Christ in the readings, His coming is prepared with prayers that tell the Lord to come again: "Come, Lord Jesus." The Virgin Mary stands out in this Time, who teaches us to wait with faith for the second coming of the Lord.

There are four Sundays of Advent. They celebrate the hope and joy of knowing that the Lord comes with his power and his peace to flood the hearts of those he loves with the light of life, with the renewing force of his love.

Advent and the Christian life: Advent, like every liturgical season, has an impact on our Christian life. We could highlight at least five attitudes towards the Advent season:

  • Hope (even if there are difficulties),
  • Prepare the way of the Lord (dispose our hearts),
  • Joy (of knowing that God saves us),
  • The prayer (“Come, Lord Jesus”),
  • And patience (to work constantly, even if it costs).

They are attitudes that help us see that we have to make our way to build the Kingdom of God that he has promised us, while we wait for the definitive coming of the Savior. Advent helps us to have an attitude of hope, vigilance, to work every day preparing the ways of the Lord.