URGENTE : Queridos amigos, Debido a los devastadores incendios forestales en el área de Los Ángeles, estamos pidiendo a los feligreses que donen directamente a los esfuerzos de socorro de la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles en https://lacatholics.org/california-fires/ lo antes posible.
Estos incendios han causado inmensas pérdidas, incluidas viviendas, medios de vida, ganado y vidas, y el peligro continúa.
Tenga en cuenta: NO envíe dinero al Centro Pastoral. Todas las donaciones deben hacerse directamente a través del enlace de donación de la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles que se encuentra arriba. Gracias por sus oraciones y apoyo durante este momento de gran necesidad.
A su servicio,
Padre Bill McDonald
Vicario General

Altar Flower Donors
If you would like to donate altar flowers (In Memory, In Thanksgiving, or a special feast), please call the Parish Office at 209-524-4381. The donation requested is $150.00. Thank you to all who donate or have donated in the past.

Church Art and Environment Committee
Help is especially needed at St. Stanislaus Church in recruiting new members for the Church Art and Environment Committee
Upcoming Events

Church Cleaning Ministry
We need your help! Join us every Saturday at 7:00am in the Maze Blvd Church to clean and prepare it for our weekend liturgical celebrations. All supplies and equipment will be provided.

Altar Servers Breakfast Fundraiser
Attention all! You are warmly invited to the Altar Server Breakfast, which will take place on Sun, Feb 16, from 8:00am-12:00pm.

Pre-Baptismal Class English
Pre-baptismal classes are the First Saturday of the month at 6:00pm in the Parish Hall at 709 J Street.