Mary The Star That Guides Us To Jesus

by Deacon Juan Carlos  |  01/07/2024  |  From the Clergy

This Sunday, January 7, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord, the revelation of God to the Gentiles, to non-Jews, “…we are all now partakers of the same promise of salvation in Jesus Christ”(Eph. 3:6 ).

Today's Gospel (Mt. (2:1-12) tells us that a star appears to the wise men (the name given at that time to men who studied the universe) and guides them to Jesus, to the Messiah and Savior of humanity.

The wise men knew how to distinguish the star, a star different from the others and there was no doubt that they had to follow it to find Jesus, to find the King of kings.

Each of us at some point in our lives appears to us a star that guides us to Jesus, a star that shows us the way to find Jesus, if you have not found it yet, ask God to help you find that star that will guide you to HIM.

For me that star was and continues to be the Virgin Mary who has shown me the way to Jesus, I remember approximately 15 years ago I began to pray the holy Rosary, I experienced through this prayer how Mary united me more intimately with her son Jesus who was born in a portal in Bethlehem, God became one like us to be with us.